My Story

My journey began when I started coding in C at the age of 12 to create my own game. At that time, the lack of a structured methodology forced me to learn through trial and error, motivating me to overcome challenges to achieve my goals.

Years later, I graduated from school with a specialization in mathematics and informatics. However, I decided to further broaden my horizons by studying philosophy. I was captivated by the diversity, depth, and brilliance of human knowledge. Nevertheless, I realized that I didn’t want to be solely a thinker but also a doer. So, after gaining some work experience, I made the choice to enroll at 42 School in Paris to enhance my technical skills and develop my entrepreneurial abilities.

Yotimy in Saclay

I completed a semester in Paris Saclay, specializing in Business Strategy & Leadership, during which I founded my first startup called Yotimy. There were 12 people involved in this exciting venture. This experience made me realize the importance of being attentive to customer and partner needs.

You Are Who You Are

Shortly after, I embarked on a new project called YAWYA (You Are Who You Are), but this time not as a founder. This project aimed to create an e-commerce platform focused on luxury fashion, satisfying customers’ desires to wear outfits created by designers but not tailored to their measurements.

Reality Capsule

My latest project is called Reality-Capsule, an augmented reality solution sold to the tourism industry to provide visitors with a glimpse of how the surroundings of a monument appeared in the past.

My Values and Skills

I find great satisfaction and value in the following skills:

  • Problem-solving and understanding complex issues.
  • Exploring a wide range of potential solutions.
  • Thoroughly researching and digesting documentation and research papers.
  • Designing robust and effective architectural solutions.

I also possess strong communication skills along with leadership abilities, with a focus on finding the most logical, relevant, and manageable solutions. Therefore, tasks such as building, debugging, and delivering projects have never paralyzed me.

Knowledge Stack

The following list represents the technologies where I am most confident and familiar:

Coding languages

  • C
  • C++
  • Golang
  • Python
  • JavaScript


  • QT
  • VueJs
  • React

Database query language

  • SQL
  • XPath
  • XQuery


  • Linux
  • VIM
  • GIT

Basic knowledge

  • Design patterns
  • Makefiles and scripting
  • Project structure management